Our next Zoom session is on November 12

The topic for discussion is "Decanters, Beverage Sets & Cocktail Shakers". Tune in on Tuesday, November 12, 8:00pm (Eastern time). Click on the ZOOM logo at left to receive an email with detailed instructions.

NCC's ZOOM sessions are open to everyone, not just members. They always prove to be quite interesting, and you get to see pieces that are scarce, if not rare.

Fall Quarterly Meeting - October 19

David Ray The NCC fall meeting was held in the upstairs banquet room of Theo's Restaurant in downtown Cambridge starting at 6:00 pm on Saturday, October 19. The topic of the educational program was "Decanters, Beverage Sets, and Cocktail Shakers" led by David Ray. Here is a Slide show illustrating some of the types of Cambridge glass that was featured.

Auction Results

Here is a list of the 2024 Auction results, in PDF form. If you would like to see individual photos of the items in the 2024 Auction, we suggest that you go full-screen to best view them.

Let's Celebrate

50th logo It has been 50 years since the National Cambridge Collectors, Inc. organization was formed in March 1973. All of us should be proud of the accomplishments of this organization over the past 50 years and the efforts of all the people who got us this far. With your help, we will continue our education and preservation efforts so that future generations can appreciate the artistry of the glassware made by the Cambridge Glass Company.

Check out another video of the Cambridge Museum

Patrick Deering, a collector and dealer, has made a great video of his visit to the National Museum of Cambridge Glass and has given permission for us to post it here. He really shows most of the Museum. This should entice those who haven't yet visited to "Come on down."

"ZOOM and TELL" Programming

Since November 2020, NCC has sponsored a "Zoom and Tell" session on the third Thursday of each month, and this will continue in 2021. The first two were quite successful, and we invite you to participate in future sessions. Each session includes time for dialogue and viewing an assortment of glass related to that month's topic.

The goal of our "ZOOM and TELL" is to provide collectors an informal opportunity to share information about their favorite pieces of Cambridge glass based upon a specific theme. Enjoy fellowship with your other Friends of Cambridge; and "ooh and ahh" over all shared glass. This is for everyone, so if you live in New York, or California, or points in between, make time to join us if you can. You do NOT have to be a member of NCC to participate in the session.

To receive an email message with all of the details for the latest month's "ZOOM and TELL," simply click on the ZOOM logo at the left of this page.

TWO 2020 videos of the Museum

We are proud to offer two new videos of the Museum, thanks to a grant from the Cambridge/Guernsey County Visitors and Convention Bureau. The short version lasts less than a minute and provides a quick overview, while the long version runs a bit over four minutes and provides a more detailed look inside the Museum for 2020. Enjoy them both.

A web site just for the Museum

The site is designed to attract the leisure and group tour market and allow motorcoach companies easy access to museum programs and tour information, making the museum an attractive option for booking tours. It is not for the serious collectors. This new website was paid in full with funds from the Cambridge/Guernsey County VCB GAP Grant. Here is the link to the new Museum web site.

THREE VIDEOS of the Museum

Here is a video of the National Museum of Cambridge Glass, featuring our volunteer Director of the Museum, Cindy Arent. The video gives an excellent overview of the Museum, and should be an enticement for those who have never visited. We hope you will enjoy viewing it.

The second video comes from the Stranathan family. Their great-grandfather and great-great grandfather made the first piece of Cambridge Glass, the Big X pitcher. This video is special, in that the kids take you on the tour, and they do a fantastic job!

The third video was privately made by Patrick Deering for his series of You Tube videos. It is an especially good tour through the whole NCC Museum. We would like to thank him for giving permission to us to post the video. Here's a link to his site: Trusty Huckster Mercantile.

Membership renewal on-line

Thanks to everyone who renewed promptly upon receipt of the Annual Fund mailing in April. If you have overlooked your renewal, you should be receiving a reminder letter in the mail soon. You can use the "Make a Donation Giving Works" link at left to make your Annual Fund donation online, saving you time and avoids writing and mailing a check. Clicking on the link will direct you to the Paypal Giving Works page where you privately enter the payment information and the amount of your donation. NCC receives 100% of your contribution as a donation without the overhead expense of credit card processing.