NCC Permanent Committees

While the Board of Directors is the governing body of NCC, sometimes work needs to be done by committee. Such committees that are necessary to manage the affairs and mission accomplishment of the organization shall be appointed by the President and/or the Board of Directors and shall conform as necessary to the five operational areas of Administration, Development, Education, Member Services and Museum.

The current board committees are:

N. C. C. Permanent Committees 2021 - 2022
Committee Chairperson Description of Committee Responsibilities
Endowment Doug Ingraham This committee was created in June 2015 and oversees governance of endowment fund. Further definition of this committee is detailed in the NCC Policy Book.
Finance Mike Strebler This committee was created in January 2021 to review the detailed financial reports and related issues, and provides financial clarity to the board.
Property Larry Everett This committee was created 2014 when NCC purchased the adjacent property. It has the charter to oversee the adjacent property (i.e. the yellow and brick houses) and determine how NCC can best utilize these properties.
Strategic Planning Mike Strebler This committee was created in 2020 with the task of developing a strategic plan for NCC. Simply put, what will NCC look like in five-ten years from now, and what needs to be set in motion to meet that goal. This will help us by identifying near-term actions and goals that will help us achieve that long term strategy.
Nominating (varies) This committee is appointed by the President annually in the fall to identify candidates for the Board of Directors election. This committee's work is concluded when the election results are announced at the Annual Meeting.

All of us have a stake in the future of NCC. Please consider offering your input to any committee.